Proclaiming the GOOD News

of the Kingdom

Setting the Captives Free
"If you hold to my teaching, you are really
my disciples. Then you will know the truth
and the truth will set you free."
John 8:31,32

The What: Ministry

*Talks: God’s Pattern for Women,
Kingdom Living, Marriage, Joy, Creativity

*International Discipling Missions
*International Art Missions
*Bible Studies
*Art Ministry Mentoring
*Prayer Ministry & Disciple Making
*Worship Painting:live painting during worship with interpretation
*Internet tools for evangelism & discipling
*Public art exhibits in the highways and byways, in places where the people are
*Art demonstrations with witness,

The Why

I've long felt a tension in expressing the majestic, all-seeing, all-knowing, ever-present, loving, most high God in terms that humans can grasp. Can it be done? Should it be done? Yes! Throughout scripture, God reveals His mystery, so He definitely wants everyone to know Him and His ways well. After much intense Bible study and prayer, I endeavor to express His character through engaging verbal presentations and the visual language of art, bringing the truth and love of God to people in the places they live, worship, learn, work and play.

Liberating Thoughts--read more

Faith is Worship
To exercise faith is to acknowledge and affirm the attributes, intentions and abilities of God—as in worship. Joan C. Thomson

“But you, dear friends build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.” Jude 20

Silk Palms
by Joan C. Thomson (c)
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion--to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
Isaiah 61:1-3

Joan's Speaking Topics

God’s Pattern for Women
Many voices compete with expectations for women but only one pattern fits—God’s!

You’ve Got to Live in the Real World! Surprise! The Kingdom of God is the real world!

Is It True? Measuring what “They said” against the Word of God

If They’d Only Told Me! —Adventures in learning to be married

Gifted To Give—Our talents for God’s Kingdom

Bible Studies
Freeeedom!—You really can be free in Jesus!

Speaking & Art Credits

CLASS Graduate

Contact Joan

To contact Joan about her speaking or art:

Art Outreach to Albania

Art Outreach to Albania

Albania Arts Challenge

Link to Outreach Pictures
click on picture

Art Outreach to Spain


May 2011
I Am Woman Exhibit
The Southern Artists Society
King's Mountain Art Center (in the old train depot)
King's Mountain, NC

May 2010
I Am Woman Exhibit
The Southern Artists Society
King's Mountain Art Center (in the old train depot)
301 N. Piedmont Ave.
King's Mountain NC
Tues-Sat 10-4 through June 11, 2010

May 2009

Beyond the Curve: Celebrating Women's Vision
Invitational Art Exhibit of Twelve Women Artists
including Joan C. Thomson

October 18, 2008
"God's Pattern for Women"
Lighthouse Aglow Davidson, NC

May 2008
Art Outreach to Spain

July 2007
"Albania Arts Challenge"

April 2006
Art Outreach to Albania

What people are saying.

Thank you for such a wonderful demonstration last night at Stanly County Art guild! We were amazed at how well organized you are, and how fast you are able to complete a lovely print (2, actually!). C. King

Your colors are vibrant and "alive" and wonderful. The demonstration was fun to watch and very informative. Thanks for sharing a creative evening with us!

Thank you so much for your presentation last night. It was wonderful. Your paintings are so vibrant. I know God is faithful in letting you share your testimony with others!

I heard wonderful comments from students and other participants about your workshop. You are truly talented.


I Am The Resurrection and The Life
by Joan C. Thomson

Questions skeptics ask--answered

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
by Joan C. Thomson

Questions Christians ask--answered

Will You Trust the Chairmaker and Not The Universemaker?
by Joan C. Thomson

Contact Joan

To contact Joan about her speaking or art